11 Tips to Your Best Home Showing


11 Tips to Your Best Home Showing Be Ready for your next home showing. It’s the difference in getting an offer or not. Complete as many of these as you can and raise the perceived value your buyer will see in your home. As a result, higher offers and potentially more money in your pocket. … Read more

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Almost Home YouTube Channel – Updated 2019

Almost Home YouTube Channel emerges.

Almost Home YouTube Channel – Updated 2019

The Almost Home YouTube channel emerged joining the Northeast with the South. This incorporates their new location in Cape Coral, FL.

Evolution of a Brand

The Almost Home of RI and CT merged channels combining the evolution of the brand throughout the years. This is a collection of marketing videos about the brand, the clients, and the listings. The Almost Home YouTube channel is still undergoing updates. As a result, these updates will include new activity in Florida and the continued growth of the Northeast.

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Purchasing Power in 2019?

Purchasing Power in 2019 causes excitement about buying a home this year

Purchasing Power in 2019?

Buying a house this year? What is your Purchasing Power? As we kick off the new year, many families have made resolutions to enter the housing market in 2019. Are you thinking of finally ditching your landlord? Considering buying your first home or selling your starter house to move into your forever home?

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